Musrenbang a formal arena for stakeholders in addressing priority development activities in the Regency that will be the preparation of the APBD. As mandated by UU No. 25 of 2004 on the national development planning system, it is mentioned that the necessary implementation of musrenbang from village, district, city, provincial and national levels.
So that, the Banjar Regency Government held the Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) which was held on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at the Hotel Q Grand Dafam Syariah Banjarbaru that attended by the Regent of Banjar Regency KH Khalilurrahman accompanied by Head of TP PKK of Banjar Regency Hj raudatul Wardiyah, Vice Regent of Banjar Regency H. Saidi Banjar Mansyur along with Vice Head of TP PKK of Banjar Regency Nur Gita Tiyas, Secretary of Banjar Regency H Nasrunsyah, Chairman of House of Representative Parliament of Banjar Regency H Muhammad Rusli, Regional Leadership Forum Coordination, legislators of Banjar Regency, Head of the Regional Work Units (SKPD), the subdistrict and the village heads and pambakal (village heads) entire Banjar Regency.
The Regent of Banjar Regency H Khalilurrahman said in his speech, Banjar Regency has the strategic location and position, as trans Kalimantan, buffer of Banjarmasin City, close to the administrative center of South Kalimantan Province, close to the airport, ports, terminals regional, and included in the plan of the provincial government which is part of the plan of Banjar Bakula (Banjarmasin-Banjarbaru-Martapura-Barito Kuala).
Banjar Regency construction progress each year continues to increase. IPM (Human Development Index/ Indeks Pembangunan Manusia) in the Banjar Regency includes the category of “moderate” (60-70) or reached 65.71 in 2014. The progress of a region can be classified through IPM. “There are three (3) forming part of the IPM index, Education, Health Index and Purchasing Power Society,” he explained.
The number one man in the Banjar Regency is also explained, there are three strategic priorities program that must be realized, that are Infrastructure Development, Improvement of Health Services, and Education Service Improvement.
Infrastructure, with a length of 781.39 km of district roads, the length of 1116.69 km of village roads, so the total road in Banjar district that should be treated / maintained throughout 1.898.08 km in 2015. In the construction of this road is need for strategy and special budget in providing access to the community, especially the people in the village who are difficult to reach with the concept of multiflier effect.
In the health field, we seek to provide health services to the people of Banjar Regency especially those who have ID cards of Banjar Regency. Every poor people are entitled to treatment in the classroom III.
While in the field of education, we need to fix the quality of public education especially the preparation of the National Examination through support for increasing the quality of teaching and learning and to fix the lives of religious education in Banjar regency, including religious teachers, school of madrasah, TK / TPA, by referring to the education law , Included in this connection that needs more attention is the mesjid (mosque), langgar, and the imam of the mosque as well as in accordance with the provisions.
KH Khalilurrahman also explained that the Government of Banjar Regency align the governance under the UU No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government and UU No. 6 of 2014 on the village. Specifically against these two laws that need to be addressed together, related restrictions on the authority of the central, provincial, district and village. There should be clear restrictions on development planning and the synergy concept of top down and bottom up.
Meanwhile, Head of Bappeda of Banjar Regency H Muhammad Rusdi, as the executive committee said in the report, Musrembang 2016 with the theme “Utilization of Natural Resources and Human Resources to Improve the Competitiveness Towards Banjar Regency as a prosperous and Barokah “. With the aim to synchronize and refinement of the preliminary draft Work Plan SKPD into the final draft Work Plan on education by taking into account the development priorities contained in the draft of RKPD well as the priorities and aspirations of the people according to the agreement of Musrenbang.
Synchronize the program, main activities, the location of activities and the budget ceiling prepared by SKPD that is important and urgent to start immediately, have a significant impact, measurable and directly felt by the public, in accordance with the development priorities set out in the draft of RKPD, and build a shared commitment among stakeholders in the achievement of quality development, participatory, transparent and accountable.
Adapun dalam kesempatan tersebut Bupati Banjar KH Khalilurrahman menyerahkan penghargaan dalam bidang perencanaan pembangunan atas prestasi perencanaan yang baik, terbaik satu Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi oleh Ir. Mursal, terbaik dua Dinas Bina Marga dan Sumber Daya Air oleh Muhammad Hilman, ST. MT dan Inspektorat Kabupaten Banjar Ir. Iman Suharjo.
As for the occasion Banjar Regent KH Khalilurrahman presented the award in the field of development planning for achievement of good planning, the best one is the Department of Mines and Energy (Dinas Pertambangan) by Ir. Mursal, the best two of Highways and Water Resources (Dinas Bina Marga dan Sumber Daya Air) by Muhammad Hilman, ST. MT and Banjar Regency Inspectorate Ir. Iman Suharjo.