(c) humas_banjar@yahoo.com

Sunday (27/3), it’s about 19 years Syeikh H.Ahmad Marzuki has left us. The community of Tambak Sirang Baru village, sub district of Gambut Banjar Regency or the communities are located outside of the village appears in droves to set foot towards the residence of Syeikh H. Marjuki to attend the haul event. Almarhum is an ulama who has been educated, advised and science of religion in communities lives day to day.

Sheikh H.Ahmad Marzuki was an ulama who descendants of the great ulama in South Kalimantan, As-Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad al Banjari.

Syeikh H.Ahmad Marzuki Bin Syeikh H Sulaiman Bin Syeikh H Muhammad Nasir ( Taniran ) Bin Syeikh H Muhammad Thaib ( Datu taniran ) Bin Syeikh H Muhammad As’ad Bin Hj Syarifah Binti As-Syeikh Muhammad.Aryad Al- Banjari.

The event began with Maulid Habsyi then spliced with Manaqib of Syeikh H.Ahmad Marzuki.

The Vice Regent of Banjar Regency H Saidi Mansyur which in this case also attend as well as the opportunity to give a speech. He said that through of this haul can be used as a form of appreciation and respect for the services of the ulama that have passed away. Attitude of patience in his life, always grateful for the blessings that have been given by Allah SWT, all of this should follow by all of us and emulate what he did in his own day a day.

(c) humas_banjar@yahoo.com

“Because the religion learning that was given, haul has become tradition and cultural of Banjar Communities, as the evidence of the love of children to the parents and teachers who have passed away.

Vice Regent of Banjar Regency H.Saidi Mansyur said the Syeikh H.Ahmad Marzuki essentially has gone. But the religious science that was given by him should be able to look up and run in earnest and ikhlas in its practice.

He prayed, hopefully the ulama who have preceded us obtain the rahmat and ridho of Allah SWT. And we as a successor can imitate all his akhlak as suri tauldan, “he said at the end of the speech. (Hevrin)

(c) humas_banjar@yahoo.com