Banjar Regency Government through the Environment Agency (BLH) held an evaluation meeting preparation Adipura assessment, Tuesday (17/05), in the Barakat Hall Martapura.
On this occasion, Head of Public Relations Secretariat of Banjar Rahmaddin MY explained on assessment be monitoring points the clean city that includes the settlement of medium and simple, roads, markets, shops, offices, schools of Adiwiyata, hospitals and health centers, urban forests, city parks, where the processing end, the bank trash, city-scale sewage treatment facilities, and residential.
“In our monitoring with BLH, in general at some specific monitoring points, found some shortcomings and we coordinate with related agencies in order to quickly and acted upon to improve it,” said Head of Public Relations Secretariat of Banjar.
Rate this Adipura, is a key factor determining step continuation verse ratings to the next stage
Further, he said, the role and involvement of all parties is necessary for the success of this Adipura assessment.
“Adipura, is the work of all of us and its for Banjar Regency beloved”, he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur on this occasion wished each relevant SKPD can immediately follow up the results of the exposure assessment submitted.
“The important thing is, each SKPD and related agencies can think and do the best, as well as an increase in ratings after this meeting,” said Vice Regent Banjar.
Looks also present at this meeting, Regional Secretary of Banjar H. Nasrunsyah, Head of Forestry Rahmat Kartolo, Head of the Environment Agency H.Farid Sofyan, Head of Department of Housing and Boyke Tristianto Banjar Regency, and Chief of Dinkes Ikhwansyah Banjar. (Tohal/Boma)