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The density of the number of inmates in prisons Grade 1 Martapura Banjar, attract the attention of the Government of Banjar Regency, to see the state of the inmates who were behind bars at the time to worship the Holy Ramadhan 1437 H, Tuesday (21/6).

While performing Sholat Dzuhur congregation, Regent Banjar H Khalilurrahman came to visit along with Head of Social H Ida Presy, Head Dishubkominfo H Aidil Basith, and the head of municipal police Banjar district Ahmadi welcomed by Kakanwil Kemenkumham South Kalimantan Aaron Sulianto and the Head of Prison Grade 1 Martapura Tri Saptono.

After executing Sholat Dzuhur, Regent Banjar convey tausyiah about increasing faith and devotion we as Muslims, especially during the holy month of Ramadan this will cause doubled also reward.

At the end of this visit, do not forget to Tri Saptonosaid thanks for visiting by the Regional Government which would largely benefit the inmates both while inside or while later where they will return to live sociable with other communities. (Ronie / sadi / mahfuz / Boma)

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