Ramadan as a month of mercy and goodness studded, including for government leaders in the holy month is a good momentum for more glue relationship with the people he loves. This was said by the Vice Regent of Banjar H. Saidi Mansyur in his written speech delivered at doing Safari Ramadhan 1437 H, at Masjid Al-Fajr, the village of the District Bunipah Aluh – Aluh, Thursday (23/6).
H. Saidi Mansyur welcome Ramadan this year with the schedule of the relationship with the community through events safari Ramadan and iftar with the community.
“Alhamdulillah, do not feel we are entering the 18th day in the Holy Month of Ramadan. May we be given the ease of fasting and other religious buildings, especially before the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, “said Vice Regent Banjar.
He also expressed the apology that Mr. Regent Banjar can not attend, because no official travel assignments that can not be delegated to attend a presentation / expose adipura in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia in Jakarta.
“Please pray for all citizens hopefully we can achieve Adipura Paripurna in the year 2016,” he said.(Arie/Boma)