MrtapuraTo tighten the relationship with all elements of society, the Regent of Banjar in this case represented by the Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur accompanied by his wife the Vice Chairman of TP PKK Gita Tiyas Banjar Nur, S. Pd and staffs held a safari Ramadan at Mosque Al Mujahideen, in Batu Balian 3BSimpang Empat Friday (24/6).

“Hopefully we can all build a harmonious cooperation in implementing development to realize Banjar A More Prosperous and Barokah,” he hoped.

Vice Regent of Banjar also delivered, in the year 2016 in the District of Simpang Empat is also programmed of Repair the Health Center emergency room of Sungkai Rp. 2 billion, improvement of village roads Simpang Empat with an allocation of Rp. 1.2 Billion, manufacture wellbore village of Batu Balian $ 200 million and the expansion of domestic connections village of Batu Balian worth 195 million.

“Therefore we ask for your prayers and support of the entire community to the entire program can be completed without any obstacles,” he said.

Banjar Wabup also asked to the whole society Simpang Empat, to always perform tarawih prayer, witir and tadarus Al Quran as well as continue to maintain order or kekhusu’an holy month of Ramadan with firecrackers rang, cannons and the like. (Welson / Irwin / Syadi / Tohal / Boma) Mrtapura Mrtapura Mrtapura Mrtapura