
A total of 26 students of TK / TPA Qur’an BKPRMI Unit 070 Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari implement the Khataman Al-Qur’an all 23 centered in the room holding the Mesjid Keramat, Kelampaian Village, Subdistrict Astambul, Saturday (30/7).

At the function were Vice Chairman of TP PKK Banjar as Vice Chairman of TK / TPA Al-Qur’an Banjar Nur Gita Tiyas, S.Pd who is also the wife of the Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur, accompanied by Head Astambul H Sukasto, Chairman BKPRMI Banjar H Mahdian Noor, Head of TK / TPA Unit 070 Syekh Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari H Fadli Rahman, religious and community leaders.

In his speech delivered by Gita, local government and herself personally very well for the implementation of this Khataman Qur’an. “Activity Khataman Qur’an which was held on this day showed a high awareness and our responsibility as parents and the community on the importance of religious education among children,” she said

Education of Qur’an has the most fundamental value to the lives of our children in the future. Cultures of Quran also affect the education. “Therefore, this Khataman activity is the implementation of Regulation No. 4 Year 2004 on Khatam Al Quran, which requires students to Khatam Al’Quran, “she said.

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