DSC_1778DSC_1769Dinas Kesehatan (Health Department) of Banjar Regency and all parties that involved, should be optimistic on achieve measles elimination target. The goal is for the Banjar Regency can be free from measles and polio. One of the efforts undertaken to implement the immunization of individuals and groups. This is one purpose of holding Socialization of National Immunization Week (Pekan Imunisasi Nasional) in the Hall of Barakat, Martapura (22/02).

The socialization was also attended by Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur, Chief of Dinkes Banjar Ikhwansyah, Chairman of the TP PKK of Banjar Regency Hj Raudatul Wardiah, Vice-Chairman of TP PKK Regency Banjar Nur Gita Tiyas, Head of P2PL Health Department of Kalsel H Benny Rahmadi and head of SKPD scope and the heads of public health centers (puskesmas) throughout Banjar Regency.

Indonesia in March 2014 has received a polio-free certification in conjunction with WHO member countries in South East Asia Region (SEAR). In order to maintain this success, Indonesia should conduct routine immunization activities.


Also close the immunity gap that relies on additional immunization National Immunization Week (Pekan Imunisasi Nasional/PIN) targeting children aged 0 to 59 months with a target of at least 95% coverage. Place or site of immunization was held in Posyandu, Polindes, Poskesdes, Puskesmas, Puskesmas Pembantu and Pos Pelayanan Imunisasi (Pos PIN).

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