As usual Forum throughout the chairman’s of districts of Banjar Regency conducting a coordination meeting of the district heads. Coordination Meeting held in Kertak Hanyar district was attended by the Acting Regent of Banjar Regency Rachmadi Kurdi, Expert Staf and Head of BPMPD H Zainuddin.

Camat coordination meeting is a meeting to discuss the performance of the district chairman’s during his tenure at the same time to evaluate and disseminate strategic programs of the local government.

the head of Martapura Kota district Abdul Razak said, the implementation of the coordination meetings aimed at improving coordination with all district heads in Banjar Regency along with associated ranks.

It expected to be carried out innovation and improve the professionalism and understanding for the district heads, sub-district heads and urban village heads regarding the implementation of the policies and rules that apply, including the management of the Village Fund, “he said.

The Acting Regent of Banjar Regency convey in his speech that he was very appreciated the meetings held today, Tuesday (2/2). One focus is discussed in coordination meetings is about the management of village fund. The village fund is a realization of UU No. 6 of 2014, the allocation has been disbursed by the government and is expected to be managed properly and in accordance with the applicable rules.

The Government of Banjar Regency focuses on the 80 percent of the village fund for the development of rural infrastructure and basic services such as rural roads, bridges, irrigation of the village, buildings of PAUD (early childhood education), Poskesdes / Polindes buliding, dug communal jobs, and 20 percent for community development activities such as PAUD (early childhood education) and Posyandu.

Pembakal (urban village heads) and sub-district heads shall implement the principle of village governance and the management of the village fund allocation accountable, transparent, professional, effective and efficient, clean, and free from collusion, corruption and nepotism which are monitored by the heads. “I hope that all parties, especially Bappeda, BPKAD and BPMPD order to oversee the implementation of this village fund allocation”, said the Acting Regent of Banjar Regency (Yani / hevrin)