To develop the Banjar Dance Creations in Banjar Regency, the Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports (Disbudparpora) of Banjar Regency held a Creation Banjar Dance Workshop at the Hall of the Office of Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Sports (Disbudpapora) on Tuesday (26/1). The speakers are Muslih Maman, Tajuddinnor, Rhony Arifin from Taman Budaya Banjarmasin.
The purpose of this activity is to regenerate the dancers and to introduce people the Banjar Creation Dance also to make the Banjar Regency as a city of culture and became one of the tourism destination.
The event was opened by Head of Disbudparpora of Banjar Regency who represented by the Head of Sport (Bidang Olah Raga) Kun Nasrullah in his speech highly appreciated the workshop. Workshop participants consisting of teachers are expected to provide training to their students at school after the workshop.
The activities are scheduled each year, Kun said Nasrullah said it can be used by the artists to contribute to preserving the culture of Banjar Dance through their creations and creativity embodied by the work of art of dance.
“Hopefully, the participants can appreciated and utilized of the materials that provided in this workshop,” Kun said Nasrullah.
The Committee Chairman Sri Rahayu said the workshop’s creation dance routine performed each year from 2012 until now. The workshop targets are the teachers in schools and its implementation for two days from May 26 to January 27, 2016, followed by 75 teachers consisting of Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SLTP), Senior High School (SLTA/SMK) and from common studio (sanggar).
He explained that the workshop of dance creations are expected to cultivate interest in the arts and build appreciation of the local cultural arts. “It is also able to arouse the awareness of young generation to continue to create” he said. (yani / reza / boma)