Humas Setda BanjarPegangan ToHaL

The Grand Final of Nanang and Galuh Banjar (Naga) 2016 held at the Ballroom of Q Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, Saturday night (7/5), has been extremely festive. Dozens of supporters of each finalist Naga mutual shouting slogans in order to provide support and encouragement to his idol.

Excitement is not only there, eight pairs of finalists Naga Banjar who are sons and daughters of the best of Banjar Regency, managed to amaze the guests, especially the Vice Regent of Banjar Regency H.Saidi Mansyur who was the guest of honor accompanied by the Vice-Chairman of TP PKK Banjar Nur Gita Tiyas, S.Pd Head of Disbudparpora Banjar Abdul Fauzi Ghani, Military Commander of 1006 Martapura Andi Martopo and spectators at the event.
Vice Regent of Banjar currently officially opened Grand Final 2016 Naga Banjar congratulate the eight pairs of finalists Naga Banjar selected. “After you has the title as Nanang and Galuh Banjar, you must have tasks are waiting for you as a Tourism Ambassador,” he said.
Nanang and Galuh’s partner regional governments in promoting tourism destinations and tourism potential of all areas, he added. Use these insights do you have to contribute to regional development. Mtapura“Do not let the training provided during this stop to be here. Good looks and beauty alone is not enough to be the capital of you for success. The advantages do you have to be balanced with inner beauty, innovation and creation. Continue to increase your achievement, achieve your ideals and Compete in creativity, “said Vice Regent.
Selection of Nanang and Galuh Banjar at this time was thick with Islamic nuance. The participants are required to have a basic knowledge of Islam, and to Galuh they must cover their hair with the hijab. “The addition of a requirement for contestants Naga Banjar in 2016 is none other than to adjust to the culture, society Banjar district famous religious and Islamic. “I want the younger generation in Banjar Regency, besides having extensive knowledge they also must have a basic knowledge of Islam and berakhlakul karimah,” explained H.Khalilurrahman, The Regent of Banjar Regency
After passing through a variety of selection, written tests and interviews, as well as take part in quarantine exhausting and mind, Nanang Akhmad Riyadi and Galuh Early Agustina finally selected as the winner of Nanang and Galuh Banjar 2016. They deserve the title as a Tourism Ambassador Banjar Regency, 2016.
For the First Deputy Nanang and Galuh Banjar in 2016 were achieved by Nanang Jhondy Baharsyah and Galuh Risti Maulidya A H. Whereas for the Environment Ambassador Banjar in 2016 was achieved by Atika Galuh Wulandari, and to Ambassador Traffic Banjar in 2016 was won by Nanang Fakhrurrozi. (Fii/Boma)

Humas Setda BanjarPegangan ToHaL Humas Setda BanjarPegangan ToHaL Humas Setda BanjarPegangan ToHaL Humas Setda BanjarPegangan ToHaL