Martapura (02/12) The amount of interest of the citizen in Banjar Regency on sports get more attention from the government, so that the interest can be developed, so as to bring honor to the Banjar Regency in national and international arena in the field of sports.
One of the sports facilities ever built for the community by the Government of Banjar Regency is the Demang Lehman Stadium that located in the Indrasari Village. This time the Government of Banjar Regency will also attempt to renovate the tennis courts of Kayu Tangi Albasia that has an interest and talent of society in Banjar Regency so can play tennis well.
The Acting Regent of Banjar Regency H.Rahmadi Kurdi that inaugurated the renovation of Kayu Tangi tennis courts said that he strongly supports the renovation of it, plus the renovation of the roof will be added in the field, of course, with the roof of the courts will make it easier for players / fans of tennis to play in, especially in the current rainy season.
Sementara itu pihak pengelola perenovasion lapangan tenis Kayu Tangi Albasia Kabupaten Banjar Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman Kabupaten Banjar yang diwakili oleh Kabid Tata Ruang Galuh Tantri mengatakan bahwa perenovasian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah para penggemar olahraga tenis untuk bermain pada musim hujan maupun panas, karena menurut Galuh Tantri penggemar olahraga tenis di Kabupaten Banjar sudah banyak dan akan terus bertambah setiap tahunnya, ia berharap dengan direnovasinya dan dibangunnya atap pada Lapangan Tenis Kayu Tangi Martapura Kabupaten Banjar , maka olahraga tenis di Kabupaten Banjar akan semakin berkembang, sehingga pada akhirnya akan mampu mengharumkan nama Kabupaten Banjar di tingkat nasional maupun international.
Meanwhile the manager of Kayu Tangi Albasia tennis courts is the Department of Housing and Settlement of Banjar Regency (Diperkim) that represented by Galuh Tantri (Kabid Tata Ruang)said that the renovation is intended to make it easier for fans and players to play tennis during the rainy season and hot season. According to Tantri, Banjar Regency has many fans and players and will continue to grow each year, it is hoped after that the renovation and construction of the roof, the sport of tennis in the Banjar district will be growing, so that in the end will be able to bring honor to the Banjar district national and international level.
This Inauguration attended by Director of PDAM Intan Banjar Saiful Anwar, Representative of Indonesian Tennis Lawn Association of Banjar Regency Rubaini, Head of Sports of Disbudparpora Kun Nasrallah, Head of the Economic Section of I Gusti Nyoman Yudiana , community leaders and others. (Ronie / apuz / boma)