Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Salam Sejahtera
Om Suastiastu
Namo Budaya
Dear :
1. The President of the Republic of Indonesia
2. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture,
3. The Cabinet of Ministers Indonesia
4. The Governor of Central Kalimantan
5. Regional Leadership Forum deliberation Central Kalimantan
6. Regional Head’s of Central Kalimantan
7. Head of Youth and Sports throughout Central Kalimantan
8. The leaders of youth organizations and
9. The Indonesian youth from around the country that I proud
First, let us pray praise the presence of Allah SWT the Almighty God. Courtesy of grace and blessing we can all gather in Palangkaraya in commemoration of Sumpah Pemuda Day for 88th Year
Before I deliver a speech, let me quote the statements and messages of Bung Karno that was very famous:
“Give me 1,000 old man, will undoubtedly Semeru pulled out from the roots
Give me 10 youth, will undoubtedly shake the world ”
Mr / Ms invitation and the youth of Indonesia that I’m proud …
When I first heard Bung Karno’s speech, we might be time to wonder. Is it possible and how, with 10 youth, a country can shake the world? The answer to this question will be found through the following facts.
The demographic data Indonesia said that the number of youth in Indonesia in accordance with Law No. 40 of 2009 on Youth age range between 16-30 years, amounted to 61.8 million people, or 24.5% of the total population of Indonesia reached 252 million people ( BPS, 2014).
The quantity of 24.5% figure is large enough. Plus in the near future start in 2020 until 2035, Indonesia will enjoy a rare era called Demographic Bonus. Where the number of productive age Indonesia is projected in the highest chart in the history of this nation, which reached 64% of the total Indonesian population of 297 million people.
Demographic dividend into windows of opportunity (opportunities) is very strategic for a country to be able to accelerate economic development with the support of the availability of human resources in the productive age significant amount. A simple ratio that can be described in setiap100 population of Indonesia, there are 64 people in productive age, the remaining 46 people is the age of the children and the elderly. The ratio of productive age above 64% is more than enough for Indonesia to dart into a developed country. It is the ratio of productive age best Indonesia we are beginning to enjoy later in 2020 and will end in 2035.
So, the question is, what is the relevance of the demographic bonus Indonesia with Bung Karno’s speech about ten youth shook the world?
If we ponder and reflect on Bung Karno’s speech, it is actually a large amount is not enough to be able to bring this nation into a developed nation and calculated on the world stage. Bung Karno does not require millions of youth to be able to shake the world. Bung Karno no need to wait for the demographic dividend could provide proper honor to the nation and the country. Bung Karno only requires young people who have the superior quality and great vision of looking at the world.
The audience, the youth of Indonesia I’m proud …
When some time ago, Indonesia managed to deliver an Indonesian Youth 23 years of age named Rio Haryanto to the highest level of international car racing F-1, we are only aware of the statement Bung Karno not a mere figment. The whole world’s eyes widened. International racing world as Indonesia do not believe any child who managed to penetrate the most prestigious races in the world.
So even when we managed to restore the tradition of gold at the Olympics Rio de Janeiro Brazil through the sport of Badminton, the world shook. Everyone knew it was a gold medalist Owi-BUTET, young people aged 27 and 30 years.
Not only in the sports arena, in other sectors such as the creative industry, we also find young talents Indonesia who managed it the state and nation in the international arena. No Joe Taslim, a young actor who successfully rocked Hollywood through the film fast and furious. There is also the age of 27 years young director from Blitar in East Java, Livi Zheng who successfully rocked Hollywood cinema through films berkelasnya.
In the world of music, we have Sandhy Sondoro Indonesian young musicians who at the age of 28 years had won the award the International Contest of Young Pop Singer in Latvia in 2009 with nearly perfect scores from all judges. Data BPS states that the Creative Industries today accounts for no less than 7 percent of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia. A contribution can not be considered small in the midst of the world economic slowdown.
Today, we also have young children potential in the field of start-up, with turnover wowed the world of online businesses. There Nadiem Makarim, founder of Go-Jek, there Zaky Ahmad, CEO bukalapak and hundreds of young CEOs in the field of information technology that is trusted by the multinational IT companies. In 2015, there were 62 reported that inundated Indonesia strat up investment funds to tens of trillions of rupiah. Turnover of online shopping (e-commerce) Indonesia alone in 2015 was reported to have reached Rp. 200 trillion (Ministry, 2015). If this trend can be managed well, the Indonesian economy will advance rapidly. Of course, with a note that of the traffic and the online business chain, the Indonesian youths should be in a position as manufacturer not only as consumers.
In addition to his achievements in the field of information technology, we also have young kids great class Gamal Ali Bin Said, 27 years from Malang, East Java, who managed to steal the attention of Prince Charles England on innovation Insurance Bank garbage. Including, some time ago we were also made proud by Diplomat Muda Indonesia, Nara Masista Rakhmatia that could shake the UN court for diplomacy tough, smart and firmly protect from harassment Papua foreign countries.
Mr / Ms invitation and the great Indonesian youth all over the archipelago …
Today is the day of resurrection young children Indonesia. With the advancement of technology, youths Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke continue to move to contribute thoughts and ideas for the prosperity and greatness of the Indonesian people, especially in the eyes of the world.
It seems not enough if you have to write all the names of Indonesian youth today the name of Indonesia in the international arena. Youth figures mentioned above are just examples to recall the message Bung Karno that the lads were terrific, we really can conquer the world. The large number is not enough being offset by good quality. Our duty to make this demographic bonus has meaning for the acceleration of development in Indonesia.
Let us prove in the history of Indonesia, for the umpteenth time the youth Indonesia became the main motor decisive change in Indonesia. Demographic dividend be our only chance to ensure the accelerated development of the Indonesian economy into a developed country in line with other major countries. In front of our eyes there MEA and Asia and the world free trade. Pemuda Indonesia is time to build a big vision at the world.
Thank you
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Peace to us all
Palangkaraya, October 28, 2016
Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia