The amount of Islam influence spawned great Islamic schools in Banjar Regency, one of which is Islamic Boarding School (PP) Darussalam Martapura established since 1914. PP Darussalam have delivered many of the Alim Ulama were very influential to the development of Islam in the Indonesia.
And today, Wednesday (25/5), coinciding 18 Syaban 1437 H, PP Darussalam Martapura back graduated more than 700 Santri’s who will return to society, so that they continue to develop a culture and Islamic knowledge which is very useful for the students themselves and other Muslims.
Regent Banjar H Khalilurrahman who release of the students who have graduated convey, that the students PP Darussalam Martapura have to be committed, to always seek knowledge despite being 10 years of study at the cottage. Regent Banjar hope to students who have graduated to contribute to society, especially in providing religious knowledge to the community. Because then Islam will increasingly develop and stay awake for the Indonesian people, especially in the Banjar Regency.
Meanwhile, the head of PP Darussalam Martapura Tuan Guru Hasanuddin advised to his students to always keep take care, although many outside influences that want to destabilize the firmness of Islam in society Banjar Regency. Hasanuddin also hope that later the students who have passed in order to provide the best for the country, especially for the development of the Islamic world.
At the Graduate Students / female students of PP Darussalam Martapura Year 2016, also attended by members of Parliament Banjar Tuan Guru H.Ali Murtado, teachers PP Darussalam Martapura Tuan Guru Nasih, Tuan Guru H Ahmad Kamuli, Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi, Tuan Guru H Noval, Banjar community leaders and others. (Ronie / Reza / Boma)