
Vice Regent of Banjar Regency H Saidi Mansyur, opened the implementation of the Development Planning Meeting (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrembang)) Level Sub-District Martapura Timur 2016, RKPD Banjar Regency Year 2017, held at the Hall of Martapura Timur Office, Monday (22/2).

Musrembang have been aligned with the priorities of regional development, initiated by the Government of Banjar Regency in cooperation with the Martapura Timur Sub-District Government.
Vice Regent Banjar said, the essence of Musrembang is to evaluate the repair and improvement toward the goal to be achieved according to a scale of priorities, benefits, efficiency for the right target. Not eliminating other interests unilaterally. Mrtapura Mrtapura“Implementation of Musrembang must be followed by all parties that concerned on it, in order to generate the synchronization from below, as well as support from the top. This forum is dialogue, effective communication and coordination in order to equalize the steps, perceptions and conceptions, the development priorities upcoming, “said Vice Regent H. Saidi.
Furthermore, Vice Regent of Banjar hope that the spirit and the will continue to be driven, learning from experience, and to evaluate early and advanced to the ongoing development and which is still planned.
“To the entire community is expected to continue with the joint development go together hand in hand and still provide the best,” he hoped. (Tohal / Sadi/Boma) Mrtapura