
Silaturrahmi and fasting together between Regent Banjar H. Khalilurrahman with journalists or reporters as well as the Public Relations Secretariat of Banjar takes place at Hotel Roditha Banjarbaru, Monday (20/6). There are also present the afternoon, the Secretary Banjar H. Nasrunsyah, along with the heads of SKPD scope Banjar regency.

“In the abundance of Allah SWT mercy and grace to step that we met along the Big Family of Public Relations Secretariat of Banjar particularly alongside fellow – fellow journalists of print and electronic media,” said Regent Banjar.

“Strengthen continue Establish relationship and cooperation that has been established and built up well,” he said.

During this time, Regent Banjar, Banjar regency relationship with members of the pers, Alhamdulillah already very well established. He expects, colleagues – journalists work more professionally, independently and objectively presenting the information and news in the district of Banjar fit the facts into the middle – the middle of the community.

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