Gelar Lomba Pramuka Penegak Penggalang 2017 (Gelanggang 2017) entire sub-district Sambung Makmur , Pengaron, Sungai Pinang, Simpang Empat, Cinta Puri Darussalam, Mataraman, Astambul and Binuang held in Baliview Campgrounds sub-district Sambung Makmur, Banjar Regency, Friday (13/1), was officially opened by Vice Regent Banjar H Saidi Mansyur.

Present accompanied by Deputy Chief of TP PKK Banjar Regency Gita Tyas Saidi Mansyur, H Saidi Mansyur foster a spirit of scouts through the arena in 2017 so that the scouts in Banjar Regency back alive and risen.

“Let us preserve the scout movement in Banjar Regency because scouts were able to create a generation of strong, skilled, environmentally sensitive, independent and form a young generation that ready for the challenge and compete in today’s,” said Vice Regent Banjar when he read the speech

Furthermore, the man who also was served as a member of parliament this Banjar Regency believes every member of the scouts has the ability and potential to support the development program.

“I believe this activity is able to increase the sense of devotion to the Nation and to support the development program, the spirit of nationalism, independence and honesty creativity and passion to work hard commitments in accordance with the promise scouts the Tri Satya and Dasa Dharma. Give the best offerings of Kwartir Ranting Sambung Makmur to Indonesia,” Said H Saidi Mansyur. (Bom/asep)