Improved performance of the Government of Banjar Regency shows progress, is marked also by the rising value of the evaluation results of Banjar Regency Government Performance Accountability.

Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) submit the results of the evaluation of Performance Accountability of 156 Regency / City governments in the region of Central Java, West Java, Banten, Kalimantan, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua, including the Government of Banjar Regency.

Banjar Regency managed to obtain the value of the Performance Accountability in 2015 with the predicate B or Good. The results of this assessment is better than ever in 2014 which won predicate C, after revamping all lines.

Acceptance of the evaluation report the Performance Accountability Regional is received by the Secretary of Banjar Regency H Nasrun Syah submitted by the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) Prof Dr.Yuddy Chrisnandi, ME at Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga), Bandung, Friday (12/2).

Minister of PANRB, Yuddy Chrisnandi gave appreciation to the Regency / City governments that has committed to make changes to improve the system of governance. It is seen from the results of evaluation of the 156 Regency / City, who recorded 99 of them, had improvement, “I really appreciated the achievement of Regency / City governments who obtain good grades. For those who have not obtained good results, is not too late to continually improve performance “, he said”.

Yuddy said that the appreciation of the intended use in an attempt of the budget aligning with the resulting performance and simultaneously provide recommendations for improvement to promote the establishment of a results oriented government.

The evaluation of performance accountability of government agencies have been held regularly every year, after the entry into Undang-Undang No.17 of 2003 on State Finance. AKIP substance evaluation is in line with UU No.17 of 2003 on State Finance, UU No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury, UU No. 25 of 2004 on the National Planning System and Government Regulation (PP) derivatives, such as PP 8 of 2006 on Financial Accountability and Reporting Obligations of Government Performance.

Presidential Regulation (perpres) No. 29, 2014 have also been mandated to PANRB ministry for coordinating the evaluation of performance accountability of government agencies. Described in pasal 29 (5) of Presidential Decree 29 of 2014 (SAKIP), the Ministry of PANRB coordinating the evaluation of the implementation SAKIP the State Ministry / Agency / Local Government.

He also revealed, in the implementation of evaluations conducted involving the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP/Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan), Ministry of Home Affairs (Kementrian Dalam Negeri), as well as the Inspectorate Agencies. While the Performance Accountability Evaluation guidelines drawn up together with the involvement of the Ministry of Finance Bappenas and Kemendagri.

The Regional Secretary of Banjar H Nasrun Syah when asked for his response said, in addition to giving thanks for the results achieved, he also appreciates the ranks of the government agency of Banjar Regency that has a lot to make improvements, but he also hopes that the results of the evaluation of Performance Accountability of Local Government can be more increased.

“This is a process of reconstruction in view of the Government’s performance on our own. We give thanks for the performance of the Government of Banjar Regency increasingly showing progress. The value is good, of course we will maintain accountability of their performance, and that is not good enough we have to improve,” he hoped.

Nasrun Syah also expect of their votes will begin to raise the awareness together to improve the performance of each institution not only the achievements of budget absorption, but the quality of the utilization of the budget and its impact on development is becoming more important. “We also hope that this evaluation will demonstrate or assess the extent of the use of budgetary accountability for the results (outcomes), as well as the extent to which the achievements of the resulting performance of the impact of development aimed at improving people’s welfare,” he added.