The importance of equal rights to be fought by the people of Indonesia and from various parties, especially for the people of Indonesia who have disabilities that cause them is hard to do all things day-to-day activities, both for themselves, family or others.
The similarity of these rights is also supported by the base of Indonesian society, which is based primarily on the precepts of Pancasila in line 5, is Social Justice for All People of Indonesia (Keadilan Sosial Bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia), which means all Indonesian citizens have equal rights in getting a decent life in the Republic of Indonesia.
And this time, the Komite III DPD RI led by Hj Idris Fahira come directly to the Banjar Regency to ask for opinions and support for the Bill of Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Indonesia.
In his speech on Monday (22/2), in Mahligai Sultan Adam Martapura, Hj Fahira Idris said that the bill of Rights with disabilities will replace the UU No. 4 of 1997 on Persons with Disabilities Act because the old paradigm over the matter of service and compassion (charity based). While the bill on Disability paradigm of the fulfillment of rights of persons with disabilities (right-based), whether economic, political, social or cultural.
Hearing these statements, Banjar District Government through the Vice Regent H Saidi Mansyur endorsed the bill on the rights of persons with Disabilities. Because of the disability in Banjar district itself is quite high. Besides that, H Saidi hope this bill will be approved soon so that people with disability in Indonesia, especially in Banjar district will have equal rights as normal citizens.
The meeting of the Komite III DPD RI with the government of Banjar Regency, also attended by the Regional Secretary H. Nasrunsyah, Secretariat Assistant of Government of Banjar Harry Supriyadi, Secretariat Assistant of Ekopem and Public Welfare H. Masruri, Head of the Environment Agency (BLH) Banjar Sofyan Farid, SKPD scope of the District Government of Banjar Regency, and community leaders. (Ronie / apuz /Boma)