
Under the leadership of H.Khalilurrahman and H.Saidi Mansyur, Banjar Regency Government continues to concentrate on developing and improving the crop production, by continuing to encourage farmers to look for new varieties to be developed, as well as provide facilities for agricultural businesses.

In order to encourage the increase, the Regent and Vice Regent of Banjar Regency continues to provide motivation to the farmers with a visit to some areas of the agricultural center to listen to community concerns directly.
Accompanied by Head of Bapeluh of Banjar Regency Edy Hasbi, Head of Distanbunak Dondit Bekti A, and the Head of Public Relations of Secretariat of Banjar Regency Rahmaddin MY, Tuesday (15/3), The Regent of Banjar Regency H Khalilurrahman visited the farm of H Midan that located in the Tungkaran Village, Subdistrict of West Martapura.
On his visit, he said, the agriculture and fisheries businesses in the Bumi Serambi Mekkah should be able to utilize the space (location) of farmland there.
“Obviously we hope that the workers of farming in Banjar Regency can use the land maximamly,” he said.
Further he said that even though nowadays being promoted development in other sectors but food sector should not be loose.
H.Khalilurrahman analogize that the higher of the population growth while food production is not comparable, as a result of high demand and rise of prices. This indicates that food as a primary need to have a big role in the economy.
Then he also advised that the food sector will never lose the strategic value. Therefore, the community of Banjar Regency emphasizes business development oriented towards agro industry.
“If our society prosper, then we will be spared from social insecurity” he said. (Reza/boma)
