The Regent of Banjar Regency H Khalilurrahman directly absorb the aspiration from the agricultural extension workers (penyuluh pertanian) entire of Banjar Regency to conduct an interactive dialogue to succeed the National Food Self-Sufficiency (Swasembada Pangan Nasional).
On that occasion H Khalilurrahman officially opened the Technical Meeting of Agricultural Extension Level Banjar Regency 2016, organized by the Badan Pelaksana Penyuluhan (Bapeluh) of Banjar Regency, Tuesday (15/3), at the Hall Office of Bapeluh in Tungkaran Village, Subdistrict of West Martapura.
He provide motivation and direction to the agriculture extension. In his speech, in general, education is an important part for the development of agriculture. According to him, through counseling will got the improving knowledge, skills and attitudes of the key actors and agricultural businesses.
“Success or failure of the implementation of agricultural development is largely determined by the performance of agricultural extension that as the driving force at once motivator, informator, promoters and communicators,” said the Regent of Banjar.
He also explained that the development and growth of non-qualified agricultural extension, reliable and entrepreneurial managerial ability and good organization will be able to build a farm that is competitive and sustainable.
The man who once served as a Member of Parliament of Republic of Indonesia is also hoped that agricultural extension workers continues to increase its capacity, especially in terms of counseling implementation to support the acceleration of the achievement of the national strategic food production which includes rice, corn, and soy.
In addition he is also highly appreciated the activities of the technical meeting. So that will be composed Work Plan Implementation Guidance to support the achievement of Food Self-Sufficiency.
“I express my appreciation and gratitude to the trainers who have worked hard and earnestly perform their duties in promoting agricultural development”, he said.
In the presence of the Head of Distanbunak of Banjar Regency Dondit Bekti , Head of Public Relations of Banjar Regency Rahmaddin MY, as well as hundreds of agricultural extension, the Head of Bappeluh Eddy Hasbi in his report, the purpose of convening a technical meeting to unify perception and increase synergy trainers.
Furthermore, he stressed, in implementing the achievement of national food need special efforts to realize the welfare of farmers and agricultural businesses. (Reza / Irwin/Boma)