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Regent of Banjar H Khalilurrhman along with his wife Hj Raudatul Wardiyah and Vice Regent Banjar H Saidi Mansyur along with his wife and Communication Regional Leadership Forum, Chief of SKPD’s, Communities in Martapura along with thousands of students packed the Demang Lehman Stadium Martapura, Monday (25/7), in order the peak of the reception of Adipura Kirana and Adiwiyata Mandiri, 2016.

Regent Banjar H Khalilurrahman in his speech said, “the hard work of the government supported by the public to realize the quality of the environment clean and healthy, Alhamdulillah led the national achievement”.
H Khalilurrhamn also said, “thank you to all the parties, especially to the Vice Regent, chairman of the parliament, FORKOPIMDA, Secretary, Head of BLH, Head of Perkim, and all SKPD’s, Pambakal, Environmentalist, Bank of Garbage, the Board of Directors of the Companies Region, Director of Banking, Ulama and community leaders, the media and all the people of Banjar Regency, which has been concerned with the environment and cleanliness in the Banjar Regency, so that we can achieve four awards in the 2016.
On the occasion Banjar Regent and his entourage did release a bird, and affix the signature of a commitment to work together to realize the Banjar as the Green City, as well as reviewing the coloring contest kindergarten level in commemoration of National Children’s Day 2016 with the theme of Environment.
Before that, Regent and Vice Regent Banjar and Regional Leadership Forum Communications, Head of SKPD’s along with hundreds of students and the community, gather packed the monument area of Adipura Kencana, Jalan Ahmad Yani Km.39 Martapura City. All blend to make a declaration clean city and promise to maintain a clean city in the coming years.

Bupati Banjar H Khalilurrahman menyampaikan sambutan Konpoi Mobil hias melintasi Jalan Jenderal A.Yani dengan membawa Piala Adipura Kirana 2016 Bupati Banjar meninjau Lomba mewarna Tingkat TK dalam rangka Hari Anak Nasioanal 2016 dengan tema Lingkungan, di halaman Stadion Demang Lehman Martapura. humas_banjar@yahoo.com Bupati Banjar membubuhkan tandatangan komitmen untuk bersama-sama mewujudkan Kabupaten Banjar sebagai Kota Hijau.