Banjar Regency Government through the relevant agencies have given special attention to patient of Ratu Zalecha Hospital Martapura, Ahmad Rifa’i (5) boy in the eyes with malignant tumors. In cooperation with Commission IV Regency Banjar, Banjar regency dispatch son of Anwar (55) and Warhamna (43) to the dr. Sutomo Hospital Surabaya, to undergo treatment and more intensive treatment.
Before heading to the airport Syamsudinnor Banjarbaru, families of patient accompanied by Chief of Dinkes Banjar Ikhwansyah and Director of Ratu Zalecha Hospital Martapura Yasna Khairina met with Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur and Commission IV DPRD Banjar Regency at the official residence of Vice Regent Wabup in Komplek Pangeran Antasari Martapura Wednesday (18/5) morning to stay in touch and ask for his healing prayer.
Parent of Ahmad Rifa’I was deeply pleased and relieved to have received special attention in the form of a grant from the Government of Banjar on efforts to cure their son.
“Alhamdulillah, ulun very happy and relieved to have assisted the Government of Banjar Regency,” said Anwar during a meeting with Vice Regent Banjar H Saidi Mansyur.
“We are also very grateful to the treatment of our son got special attention from the local government,” said Ahmad Rifa’I parent.
In this meeting, Vice Regent Banjar H Saidi Mansyur to encourage parent ofAhmad Rifa’i and support for healing the boy who suffered from malignant tumors.
“Don’t worry about costs, just the most important thing right now is healing your child,” said H Saidi.
Besides, he also said, will continue to monitor and coordinate with related agencies to cure the son of Anwar and Warhamna.
“We will continue to monitor and coordinating the development of the healing Ahmad Rifa’i. Hopefully with the efforts we have done is Ahmad Rifa’I can be released from her suffering “, said Vice Regent.
Without wearing footwear Vice Regent of Banjar H Saidi Mansyur who was accompanied by Chief of Dinkes Banjar Ikhwansyah Regional Hospital Ratu Zalecha Yasna Khairina deliver directly Ahmad Rifai’i and their families into a car to be dispatched to the airport. (Reza / Boma).