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Banjar Regency Government through the Vice Regent of Banjar Regency submits the Local Government Finance Report (LKPD) Fiscal Year 2015 to the Regional Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK RI) Representatives of South Kalimantan Province, on Friday (31/3), in the hall of BPK RI Representative of Kalimantan, Banjarbaru.

Event Submission the LKPD Fiscal Year 2015 was also attended by the Vice Governor of South Kalimantan which handed the LKPD FY 2015 of South Kalimantan Province and Regent / Vice Regent of other Regencies such as Barito Kuala, Balangan, Tabalong, Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu, Kotabaru, Tapin, and Hulu Sungai Selatan also handed the Local Government Finance Report respectively.

Head of BPK RI Representative of South Kalimantan Province Yulindra Tri Kusumo Nugroho appreciate the South Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regencies / City Governments in South Kalimantan that handed the LKPD in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on state finances, namely Pasal 56 ayat (3) of Law Number 1 Year 2004 on Pembendaharaan Negara, which specifies that the financial statements of the Governor / Regent / Mayor to the Audit Board no later than three (3) months after the fiscal year ends.


“I extend my appreciation to the Governor / Regent / Mayor in the scope of South Kalimantan province that has been handed LKPD FY 2015 to BPK RI Representative of South Kalimantan on time. LKPD fore result of which has been corrected by the BPK is very important for the region to follow up on the results of the examination for the sake of administrative order and improved financial governance of the region, “said Yulindra.

The event was followed by the signing and delivery of Local Government Finance Report (LKPD) Fiscal Year 2015 by the Head of the Region, starting from the Vice Governor of South Kalimantan Rudi Resnawan who handed the LKPD South Kalimantan, followed by Vice Regent of Banjar H. Saidi Mansyur who handed LKPD Banjar District and followed eight other Regencies in South Kalimantan that handed their own LKPD. (boma / apuz)
